October is going to be a fun-filled month at Barley Sheaf! Make sure to read through this month's newsletter to stay in-the-know!
At Barley Sheaf, the PTO is excited to bring community-building activities and support for Barley Sheaf students, families, caregivers, and staff!
Next PTO Meeting
The next PTO meeting will be on November 13th at 7:00 pm. ALL are welcome!
Feel free to attend to simply listen, share your ideas, or to learn how you could support the PTO as a volunteer at some of our events! We'd love you to join us!
PTO Happenings
A Sweet Success!
Wow! We had over 140 Barley Sheaf Families attend our Ice Cream Social to kick-off the new school year! Thank you to all of those who attended! It was a SWEET night amongst friends, old and new!
School Picture Day
Say "Cheese!"! Barley Sheaf School Picture Day will be Friday, October 4th!
Order forms were sent home last week. Please return order forms to your child's teacher no later than October 4th. You can also place your order online at mylifetouch.com using the Picture Day ID code EVT9KRK49.
Spirit Day!
Friday, October 11th is Spirit Day! Wear your favorite Barley Sheaf swag, or anything red!
The "Beary" Cool Walk-a-Thon
The Walk-A-Thon will take place on Thursday, October 10th (rain date of October 11th) during school hours. It is such a fun event for students, staff, and families! Information was sent home in folders regarding this fundraising event! We will sent out another reminder email specific for this event soon!
We are still looking for a some day-of volunteers to help make this event a success. If you are able to help, please sign up here.
Clothing Drive
Time for fall cleaning! Drop-offs for the Clothing Drive will be October 11th from 4-7 pm and October 12th from 9-11 am. Help those in need, while also supporting the Barley PTO so we can further support our amazing staff and students!
Examples of clean, used items that you can donate: - Clothing for men, women, and children - Shoes (please put in separate bags) - Clothing accessories: belts, hats, scarves, handbags, gloves, etc - Soft household items like towels, blankets, bed sheets, pillows, quilts, comforters, and curtains - Small toys (2 ft. or less) - Stuffed animals, strollers, bikes, and scooters
The following items are not accepted: - Sports equipment (bikes and scooters are OK) - Board games, books, puzzles, pots, CAR SEATS - Electrical devices or glass - Large toys, highchairs or baby cribs. - VCR tapes, furniture and outdoor play sets
Please bring your donations to the front of Barley Sheaf Elementary School in tied plastic bags.
For more information on where your donations are going, visit aeclothing.net.
Have family photographs taken this fall, while also supporting your school! The PTO will receive 10% from each session booked with Brianna Lynn Photography on the dates below! Remember to mention "Barley Sheaf" in the questionnaire at booking!
Thank you to all of our Box Tops for Education supporters! From October 14th - October 20th, supporters will earn DOUBLE on all participating products!
Download the Box Tops App today and start scanning: It is an easy task to get used to. Just download the mobile app using the QR Code you see. Register, use Referral Code B3E48FG7, and select Barley Sheaf Elementary School as your supporting school. Thanks to all who have been scanning already this year, we are already approaching $175 in earnings to directly support our school!
Please remember to update your child's teacher to their 2024-2025 teacher, if you have not already done so.
Chimney Rock Dine-Out Fundraiser
Order pizza for dinner and break up the week! You can preorder online from Monday, 9/30 through Sunday, October 13th or you can order on October 17th. All orders must be picked up on October 17th between 11:30 am and 10 pm. Click here for details. You can also preorder directly using this link. Dinner made easy! Enjoy!
Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Barley Sheaf, just in time for the holidays! SAVE THE DATES for October 21st through October 25th and get ready to empower your reader with book choices of their very own!
Online shopping is now OPEN! Start exploring available books together online at by clicking here!
Family Night for the Book Fair will be on Thursday, October 24th between 6-8 pm. Families are welcome to come shop at the Book Fair at this time!
Don’t forget to set up your child’s e-wallet account online for cashless shopping! Friends and family can even contribute funds, if they’d like, to your child’s e-wallet! Set one up here!
You will receive more information soon from your child’s teacher regarding which date/time their class will be visiting the book fair.
Want to lend a hand and volunteer at the Book Fair? Keep a look out on social media and via email for a Sign Up Genius that will be sent out soon!
Photos for Yearbook
The Yearbook Committee would love to include your child(ren)'s photos in the '24 - '25 yearbook from events throughout the school year! You can email your child's photo to yearbookbarleysheaf@gmail.com.
Join the PTO!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! The Barley Sheaf Parent Teacher Organization is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable group who works to raise funds, plan events, and generally support our teachers, staff members, children, and families. We hope that you will join us as a member and consider volunteering for an event and/or a committee. We are looking forward to a great year!
You can join the PTO or renew your membership here! Joining the PTO will ensure that you receive Barley Sheaf PTO emails (all ones after this will be sent electronically) and will give you access to the Membership Toolkit school directory. There is no obligation to volunteer or join a committee by signing up for the Membership Toolkit! It will ensure that you are kept in the loop about all PTO-organized events throughout the year! This will also help to fund multiple PTO-sponsored activities and purchases that benefit our Barley Students and Staff!
Some examples of activities, events, and gifts that the PTO sponsors are: New playground equipment, Staff Appreciation events and gifts, school assemblies, Activity Nights (Ice Cream Social, Parents' Night Out, Family Event Mornings/Nights, Scholastic Book Fair, Camp Mason for 4th Graders, and more)!
Looking Ahead
Make sure to add these dates to your calendar so you don't miss out!
October 3rd: No school. October 4th: School Picture Day October 7th - October 11th: Week of Respect October 10th (rain date 11th): Walk-a-Thon (More details to come.) October 11th & 12th: Clothing Drive October 11th: Spirit Day October 21st - 25th: Scholastic Book Fair October 24th: Family Night at the Book Fair 6-8 pm October 24th: Family Heritage Night (More details to come from Mrs. Switkes & Ms. Bostory) October 31st: Halloween Parade at 2:00 pm (More details to come from Mrs. Switkes & Ms. Bostory)
November 1st: Spirit Day November 3rd: Open Print at3D Print Lab November 13th: PTO Meeting at 7:00 pm
December 6th: Spirit Day
January 3rd: Spirit Day January 25th: Family Ice Skate at Flemington Ice Arena 11:30 - 1:00 pm
February 7th: Spirit Day February 7th: Parents' Night Out: Comedy Night at Federal Twist Vineyard February 12th: PTO Meeting at 7:00 pm February 27th: Reading is a Dream (free event in the evening)
March 7th: Spirit Day March 8th: Family Skate at Frenchtown Roller Rink 10:00 am - Noon March 28th: PICTO (Picture Bingo - Family Event in the evening)
Stay Connected
The Barley Sheaf PTO social media accounts are kept up-to-date with PTO and school happenings. Follow along to stay in-the-know!