Originally delivered on 5/1/2024 12:05 pm

SUBJECT: May Newsletter - Barley Sheaf PTO

April showers (and earthquakes, windstorms, and eclipses...!), bring May flowers!

At Barley Sheaf, the PTO is excited to bring community-building activities and support for Barley Sheaf students, families, caregivers, and staff!
PTO Updates

Thank you to all who attended the April PTO meeting! We discussed upcoming events, awarded two PTO sponsored grants, and voted on multiple smaller PTO sponsored gifts that will benefit Barley Sheaf students, staff, and school. 

For the 2024-2025 school year, the PTO is in need of a Treasurer. If you are interested, please email PTOBarleySheaf@gmail.com. Similarly, we welcome anyone who'd like to hold a committee chair for next year, anyone who would like to volunteer for specific events, or anyone who'd like to share ideas to attend our next PTO meeting on June 12th at 7 pm.

Spring Clothing Drive

Time for Spring Cleaning! The Spring Clothing Drive will be held on Saturday, May 18th. Please drop off all items to the front of Barley Sheaf School between 4-7 pm on May 17th or between 8 am - 2:30 pm on May 18th. 

Please bring all donations to the front of Barley Sheaf School in tied plastic bags. Shoes should be in separate bags. 

Please click here to see which items are accepted and here to see which items are not accepted. 

FRSD Color Run/Walk

Join us on Saturday, May 19th for the FRSD Color Run! Click here to register and for more information, including event timelines and all costs.

Barley Sheaf is hoping to keep our winning streak going, and keep the Color Run trophy, with the most participants! We've got this! 

Volunteers Needed! If you are interested in joining the Color Run Committee for Barley Sheaf, please email us at PTOBarleySheaf@gmail.com or sign up here! We will need Barley Sheaf volunteers to help plan and coordinate the event. 

Follow the FRSD Color Run/Walk on FB!
Click here for the Color Run flyer.

Scholastic Book Fair

The Scholastic BOGO Book Fair will be coming to Barley Sheaf once again this year: May 13th - May 17th. Stay tuned for more information.

Family Fun Night

We will be hosting a Family Fun Night for all Barley Sheaf families on Friday, May 17th! Come spend time with friends on the Barley Sheaf playground, enjoy Rita's ice, and listen to music! 

May 17th, 6:30 pm - 8 pm 
Light rain or shine

$5 per family (cash, at the event)
There will also be a 50/50 (cash only, at the event). 

Thee Ice Cream Parlor "Dine Out" Fundraiser Event

Stop by Thee Ice Cream Parlor anytime between noon and 9:30 pm on May 22nd. 10% of each sale will be donated back to the Barley Sheaf PTO to support our Barley students and staff. Be sure to show the flyer below or mention Barley Sheaf PTO.

May 22nd is also the date for the Spring Concert! What better way to end the evening than with a special ice cream treat! 

463 US HWY 202, Flemington, NJ

Last Month's Recap

3D Lab Open Printing: Families had fun at the 3D Lab in April! Thank you to all who came to create! 

Students visited the Star Lab in the gym. This is always an exciting day for our young astronomers! 

Thank you to Ms. Attiyah for organizing and hosting a wonderful Family Technology Night! Friends had such a fun evening engaging in different tech-based activities!

The first of two spring grants that were awarded has arrived! Mr. Truncale wrote a grant request asking for an egg incubator so friends could follow along the journey from egg to chick! The first egg hatched yesterday! The incubator is being housed in Mrs. Mikalsen's room, but all friends will get a chance to visit the incubator and eventually chicks! 

Looking Ahead

May 3rd - Spirit Day 
(Wear your favorite Barley Sheaf spirit wear or wear red!)
May 6th - Spring Flower Sale Pick-Up between 4-5 pm on the front porch of Barley Sheaf 
May 6th - May 10th - Teacher Appreciation Week
May 13th - May 17th - Scholastic Book Fair
May 17th - Family Fun Night 6:30 - 8 pm
May 18th - Clothing Drive 
(drop off between 8 am - 2:30 pm)
May 19th - FRSD Color Run/Walk
May 22nd - "Dine Out" Fundraiser at Thee Ice Cream Parlor between noon - 9:30 pm

June 10th (Rain Date of June 14th) - Field Day* 
*Stay tuned for more details, including volunteer sign-ups!
June 12th - PTO Meeting at 7pm

Join the PTO!

Thank you to everyone who has supported the PTO, and in turn the Barley Sheaf students and staff, so far this year! We appreciate all of your support and generosity, and love seeing you at all of the events! 

The Barley Sheaf Parent Teacher Organization is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable group who works to raise funds, plan events, and generally support our teachers, staff members, children, and families. We hope that you will join us as a member and consider volunteering for an event and/or a committee. We are looking forward to a great year! 

You can join the PTO or renew your membership hereJoining the Membership Toolkit also ensures that your email is part of the email list so you receive all PTO emails. Joining the PTO will give you access to the Membership Toolkit school directory and will help to fund multiple PTO-sponsored activities and purchases that benefit our Barley Students and Staff!

Some examples of activities, events, and gifts that the PTO sponsors are: New playground equipment, Staff Appreciation events and gifts, school assemblies, Activity Nights (Ice Cream Social, Parents' Night Out, Family Event Night, Scholastic Book Fair, Camp Mason for 4th Graders, and more! 

Stay Connected

The Barley Sheaf PTO social media accounts are kept up-to-date with PTO and school happenings. Follow along to stay in-the-know!

Virtual Backpack

The Barley Sheaf Virtual Backpack is updated weekly with announcements and school events!

2023-2024 Barley Sheaf PTO Executive Board

President: Morgan Henry
Ex-Officio (Advisory) President:Jodi Reed
Co-Vice President & Treasurer: Jessica Ur
Secretary: Brianna Pileggi

Email us at PTOBarleySheaf@gmail.com

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